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黄 勇,秦叔逵   

  1. 210002 南京 解放军八一医院全军肿瘤中心肿瘤内科
  • 收稿日期:2015-08-27 修回日期:2015-09-10 出版日期:2015-10-31 发布日期:2015-10-31
  • 通讯作者: 秦叔逵

Experimental and clinical research current situation and progress of lobaplatin in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer

HUANG Yong, QIN Shukui.


  1. Department of Oncology, PLA Cancer Center, 81 Hospital of PLA, Nanjing 210002,China
  • Received:2015-08-27 Revised:2015-09-10 Online:2015-10-31 Published:2015-10-31
  • Contact: QIN Shukui

摘要: 洛铂(LBP)是第3代铂类抗癌药物。实验研究表明,LBP对于非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)具有确切的抗癌活性,与顺铂(PDD)相当,强于卡铂(Cab)且能克服PDD的耐药性;与NSCLC常用药物联合显示出一定的优势,尤其是联合抗微管类药物可取得协同作用。临床上,含LBP联合方案在一线治疗、维持治疗及二线治疗中均取得较好疗效,与含PDD联合方案疗效相当,但是安全性和耐受性较好,因此丰富了晚期NSCLC铂类用药选择。但是,LBP治疗晚期NSCLC的循证医学证据还不够充分,需要加强研究,尤其是大样本的前瞻性、随机对照、多中心临床试验。

Abstract: Lobaplatin(LBP) is the third generation of platinum anticancer drugs. Experimental study showed that LBP has the exact antitumor activity in nonsmall cell lung cancer(NSCLC),which is similar to cisplatin(PDD),better than carboplatin(Cab) and can overcome PDD resistance; associated with NSCLC commonly used drugs showed certain advantages, especially with antimicrotubule drugs. Clinically, the regimen composed of LBP achieved good effect in the firstline treatment, maintenance treatment and second-line treatment, which is similar to the regimen composed PDD, but the tolerance is better, enriched the choice of platinum drugs in advanced NSCLC. However, LBP in the treatment of advanced NSCLC lack of sufficient evidencebased medical evidence, needs strengthened researchs, especially the large sample, multicenter and randomized prospective studies.

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