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  1. 1 中国医学科学院肿瘤医院泌尿外科 2 全国肿瘤防治研究办公室 全国肿瘤登记中心
  • 收稿日期:2012-09-18 修回日期:2012-11-20 出版日期:2013-04-30 发布日期:2013-04-30
  • 通讯作者: 陈万青,李长岭

Analysis of the status and trends of prostate cancer incidence in China

HAN Sujun, ZHANG Siwei, CHEN Wanqing, LI Changling.   

  1. Department of Urology, Cancer Institute & Hospital.Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Received:2012-09-18 Revised:2012-11-20 Online:2013-04-30 Published:2013-04-30
  • Contact: CHEN Wanqing, LI Changling

摘要: 目的 探讨我国前列腺癌发病现状及流行趋势。方法 收集整理全国肿瘤登记中心1998年至2008年登记的前列腺癌数据,包括前列腺癌粗发病率、0~74岁男性发病累积率、发病构成和年龄发病率。分城乡统计,分析城市及农村男性的前列腺癌发病现状和趋势。结果 2008年中国男性前列腺癌发病率为11.00/10万,世界人口标化发病率(世标率)为6.73/10万,0~74岁中国男性前列腺癌发病累积率为0.70%,占中国男性恶性肿瘤发病构成的3.33%。城市男性前列腺癌发病率约为农村的3.7倍。年龄组发病率结果显示,70岁以上中国男性的前列腺癌居男性泌尿生殖系肿瘤发病率第1位。1998年至2008年中国男性前列腺癌发病率的年均增加比例为12.07%。中国城市男性前列腺癌发病率增加幅度高于农村,分别为8.53/10万和2.53/10万,但城市男性前列腺癌发病年均增加比例低于农村男性,分别为11.25%和13.28%。随时间推移,在前列腺癌发病的年龄构成中,高年龄组的比重明显上升。结论 近年来,我国前列腺癌的发病率呈现明显持续增长趋势,前列腺癌正成为严重影响我国男性健康的泌尿系恶性肿瘤。

Abstract: Objective To investigate the status and trends of prostate cancer incidence in China. Methods The registered prostate cancer data between 1998 and 2008 from the National Cancer Registration Center was collected, including the incidence of prostate cancer, the cumulative probability of developing prostate cancer of males aged 0.74, composition and agespecific incidence. The status and trends of the incidence between urban and rural men was compared and analyzed. Results In 2008, the incidence of prostate cancer of Chinese men was 11.00/100 000, accounting for 3.33% of the incidence of mens malignant tumors. The worlds population agestandardized incidence rate was 6.73/100 000. The cumulative risk of males aged 0.74 was 0.70%. The incidence of urban males was about 3.7 times of that in rural areas. The results of agespecific incidence showed that the incidence of Chinese males over the age of 70 ranked the first place in the males genitourinary tumor. The average annual growth rate during 19982008 was 12.07%. The growth incidence rate of urban men with prostate cancer was 8.53/100 000, higher than 2.53/100 000 in rural areas. But the average annual growth rate of urban males was 11.25%, lower than 13.28% of rural males. The proportion of high age group was increased significantly in the age composition of the incidence over time. Conclusion In recent years, the incidence of prostate cancer have showed an obvious growth trend in China. Prostate cancer is becoming urinary tract malignant tumor that impacts Chinese mens health seriously.

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