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  1. 100071 北京 解放军军事医学科学院附属医院放疗科
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-02 修回日期:2015-12-18 出版日期:2016-03-30 发布日期:2016-03-30
  • 通讯作者: 吴世凯

Efficacy analysis of bevacizumab in brain metastases patients with serious cerebral edema

ZHAO Rugang, MENG Xiangying, SHEN Ge, DONG Dapeng, WANG Junliang, ZHOU Zhenshan, WU Shikai   

  1. Department of Radiotherapy, the Affiliated Hospital of Military Medical Sciences, Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Beijing 100071,China
  • Received:2015-12-02 Revised:2015-12-18 Online:2016-03-30 Published:2016-03-30
  • Contact: WU Shikai

摘要: 目的 观察贝伐珠单抗治疗恶性肿瘤脑转移瘤难治性瘤周水肿的疗效及不良反应。方法 回顾性分析于本院接受贝伐珠单抗治疗的14例伴难治性瘤周水肿的恶性肿瘤脑转移瘤患者的临床资料,包括乳腺癌脑转移7例、肺癌5例、食管癌1例、右上颌窦腺样囊性癌1例。所有患者均为甘露醇、地塞米松等常规治疗无效的难治性脑水肿病例。评估患者在贝伐珠单抗治疗前后的临床症状、生活质量评分及MRI显示的水肿体积,并详细记录治疗相关不良反应。结果 全组患者接受贝伐珠单抗治疗的中位剂量为4.76 mg/kg。全组14例患者中,11例患者在贝伐珠单抗给药后头晕、头痛症状明显减轻,3例患者症状改善不明显。全组14例患者贝伐珠单抗治疗后瘤周水肿体积较治疗前明显减少[(38 804±14 859)mm3 vs.(80 100±28 338)mm3,P=0.02],水肿指数较治疗前有降低的趋势(15.38±7.12 vs. 26.40±16.52,P>0.05),但差异无统计学意义。14例患者中有1例于第2次贝伐珠单抗治疗后出现上颌窦创面大量出血死亡,3例患者出现可控制的高血压,未出现蛋白尿、贫血、口腔炎等其他并发症。结论 贝伐珠单抗可控制恶性肿瘤脑转移的难治性瘤周水肿,为严重脑水肿患者争取放疗机会,但应谨慎掌握适应证,警惕严重不良反应。


Objective To observe the effects and adverse reactions of bevacizumab in brain metastases patients with serious cerebral edema. Methods

Retrospective analysis of 14 cases of brain metastasis patients with serious cerebral edema, including 7 cases of breast cancer, 5 cases of lung cancer, 1

case of esophagus cancer and 1 case of adenoid cystic carcinoma. Mannitol, dexamethasone and other conventional treatment were not effective in these patients. The symptom, quality of life and the volume of edema in T2 weighted MRI images before and after the bevacizumab treatment were compared. The adverse reactions were recorded in detail. Results The medium dose of bevacizumab was 4.76 mg/kg. The symptoms of 11 cases of brain metastases were significantly relieved after the bevacizumab treatment. Brain MRI indicated that the edema volumes before and after the treatment were reduced significantly[(38 804±14 859)mm3 vs.(80 100±28 338)mm3,P=0.02]. The edema index had a reduced trend(15.38±7.12 vs. 26.40±16.52,P>0.05). Adverse reactions associated with bevacizumab included bleeding in the nasal cavity and death in 1 patient, and hypertension in 3 patient. There were no proteinuria, anemia, stomatitis and other complications. Conclusion Bevacizumab has significant efficacy for treating serious cerebral edema, but patients should be selected carefully before receiving bevacizumab to avoid serious adverse reactions.

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