结直肠癌,ADAM15,p-EGFR,迁移,侵袭," /> 结直肠癌,ADAM15,p-EGFR,迁移,侵袭,"/> Colorectal cancer,ADAM15,p-EGFR,Migration,Invasion ,"/>  <span style="font-family:宋体;">ADAM15 promotes metastasis and invasion of colorectal cancer cells by activating EGFR</span>

Chinese Clinical Oncology ›› 2018, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (10): 881-885.

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 ADAM15 promotes metastasis and invasion of colorectal cancer cells by activating EGFR


  1. Department of General Surgery Nanyang Central Hospital Nanyang 473009
  • Received:2018-04-22 Revised:2018-08-16 Online:2018-10-31 Published:2019-03-20
  • Contact: SONG Zhan E-mail:E-mail:13079426@qq.com


Objective  To investigate the expression of ADAM15 in colorectal cancer cells and its effect on migration and invasion of colorectal cancer cells.

MethodsThe expression of ADAM15 protein in human normal colorectal mucosal cell line FHC and human colorectal cancer cell line Caco-2 SW-480 and DKO-1 was detected by Western blotting. SW-480 cells were transfected into siNC siNC group and siADAM15 siADAM15 group respectively. Cell scratch test and Transwell test were used to detect the migration and invasion ability of the two groups. The expressions of pEGFR EGFR and ADAM15 proteins in siNC siADAM15 and FHC were detected Western blotting. Results  The expression levels of ADAM15 in Caco-2 SW-480 and DKO-1 cell lines were 2.01±0.149 2.74 ±0.053 and 2.27 ±0.185 respectively which were higher than 0.98±0.043 in FHC cell line and the difference was statistically significant P0.05. Scratch test showed that the ratio of 24 h scratch width to 0 h scratch width in siADAM15 group was 0.925±0.087 which was significantly higher than 0.326±0.031 in siNC group and the difference was statistically significant P0.05. Transwell test showed that the invasive number of SW-480 cells in siADAM15 group was 327.4±2.13 which was significantly lower than 669.7±35.21 in siNC group P0.05. The expression of p-EGFR in SW-480 cells of siNC group was 0.89±0.097 which was significantly higher than 0.42 ±0.035 in FHC cell line and the difference was statistically significant P0.05. The expression of p-EGFR in SW-480 cells of siADAM15 group was 0.27±0.067 which was significantly lower than 0.89±0.097 of siNC group and the difference was statistically significant P0.05. Conclusion  ADAM15 may promote the migration and invasion of colorectal cancer cells by activating EGFR.

Key words:  ,

Colorectal cancer">Colorectal cancer')">">, ADAM15, p-EGFR, Migration, Invasion

CLC Number: 

  • R735.3
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