胶质瘤,OCT4剪切变体,临床意义,预后," /> 胶质瘤,OCT4剪切变体,临床意义,预后,"/> Glioma,OCT4 spliced variant,Clinical significance,Prognosis,"/>  <span style="font-family:宋体;">Levels and clinical significance of OCT4A and OCT4B in glioma tissues</span>

Chinese Clinical Oncology ›› 2018, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (10): 893-899.

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 Levels and clinical significance of OCT4A and OCT4B in glioma tissues


  1. Department of Neurosurgery Nanyang Central Hospital Nanyang 473009
  • Received:2018-05-18 Revised:2018-08-22 Online:2018-10-31 Published:2019-03-20

Abstract:   Objective  To investigate the levels of octamer-binding transcription factor 4 OCT4 spliced variants OCT4A and OCT4B in glioma tissues and their clinical significances. Methods  From January 2011 to December 2016 84 cases of glioma tissues and 36 cases of normal brain tissues were collected. The mRNA levels of OCT4A and OCT4B in the above tissues were analyzed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR QPCR. The relationship between mRNA levels of OCT4A and OCT4B in glioma tissues and their clinicopathological parameters age sex pathological gradepathological typedifferentiation degreeperitumoral edema and infiltration depth as well as prognosis was analyzed. Cox proportional hazards regression model was used to analyze prognostic factors. Results  In 84 cases of glioma tissues mRNA levels of OCT4A and OCT4B were 2.144±1.293 and 2.912±1.540 higher than 1.181±0.688 and 1.258±0.882 in 36 cases of normal tissuest=4.212 and 6.025 P0.001. There was a positive correlation between OCT4A and OCT4B mRNA levels in glioma tissues r=0.462 P=0.012. The levels of OCT4A and OCT4B in glioma tissues were not related with sexage and peritumoral edema but with pathological type differentiation degree and pathological grade. Higher levels of OCT4A and OCT4B were observed in glioblastoma poorly differentiated and pathological grade - patients as compared with its counterparts P0.05. Univariate analysis showed that the overall survival of glioma patients was not related with sex age peritumoral edema and depth of invasionbut with pathological type differentiation degree pathological grade and expression level of OCT4A and OCT4B P0.05. Cox risk ratio regression model analysis revealed pathological type differentiation degree pathological grade and expression levels of OCT4A and OCT4B were independent prognostic factors and glioblastoma low differentiation late pathological grade and high expression of OCT4A OCT4B were risk factors. Conclusion  The levels of OCT4A and OCT4B in glioma tissues are elevated which are related with pathological typedifferentiation degree and pathological grade. The prognosis of patients with high expression of OCT4A and OCT4B is poor and may be involved in the occurrence and development of this malignant tumor. It has certain significance for the diagnosis treatment and prognosis prediction of glioma.

Key words: font-family:宋体, Glioma">Gliomafont-family:宋体, ')">">, OCT4 spliced variant, Clinical significance, Prognosis

CLC Number: 

  • R739.41
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