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  1. 100050 北京 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-10 修回日期:2014-03-02 出版日期:2014-07-30 发布日期:2014-07-30
  • 通讯作者: 田野

Gene expression profiling of the synergy of decitabine and paclitaxel against renal cell carcinoma

HAN Tiandong,SHANG Donghao,XU Xiuhong,TIAN Ye.   

  1. Department of Urology,Beijing Friendship Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100050,China
  • Received:2014-01-10 Revised:2014-03-02 Online:2014-07-30 Published:2014-07-30
  • Contact: TIAN Ye

摘要: 目的 探讨肾细胞癌(RCC)中,地西他滨(DAC)与紫杉醇(PTX)相乘作用下的关键基因与分子机制。方法 采用基因芯片技术和实时定量PCR筛选出二者联合应用于人肾癌细胞株ACHN及NC 65时的相乘相关基因,聚类分析观察基因的多种表达方式,IPA软件用于分析其中可能存在的信号转导通路及其中相关联的重要基因,Western blotting验证二者诱导的磷酸化PI3K、Akt的下调作用。结果 对DAC联合PTX应用时发挥重要作用的诱导基因进行初步筛选并作验证,如淋巴增强因子1、转化生长因子β诱导基因、C-X-C基本向心体5和髓细胞组织增生病毒相关抑癌基因,同时参与DAC和PTX相乘作用的信号转导通路有PI3K/Akt信号通路、amb2整合信号通路、IL2调节信号通路及IL23调节信号通路。PI3K/Akt及其他与细胞周期、DNA复制和细胞有丝分裂相关的一些信号转导通路也可能在其中发挥重要作用。结论PI3K/Akt信号转导通路及多种基因参与了DAC与PTX的相乘作用,且该通路的激活状态可受到两种药物相乘作用的抑制。

Abstract: Objective To investigate the gene transcriptional alteration and search for possible molecular mechanism and pathways implicated in the synergy of DAC and PTX against renal cell caroinoma(RCC). Methods cDNA microarray was performed and coupled with real-time PCR to identify critical genes in the synergistic mechanism of both agents against RCC cells(ACHN and NC 65). Various patterns of gene expression were observed by cluster analysis. IPA software was used to analyze possible biological pathways and explore the inter-relationships between interesting network genes. Suppression of PI3K/Akt pathway by DAC and/or PTX was clarified by Western blotting. Results Several key regulatory genes were identified and confirmed, such as lymphoid enhancer factor 1, transforming growth factor β induced gene, C-X-C motif ligand 5 and myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene,and they may play a pivotal role in the synergy of DAC and PTX. The PI3K/Akt, amb2 Integrin,IL2-mediated and IL23-mediated pathways include in the synergy of DAC and PTX against RCC. Moreover, PI3K/Akt pathway and other pathways associated with cyclins,DNA replication and cell cycle/mitotic regulation were also associated with the synergy of DAC and PTX against RCC. Conclusion The activation of PI3K/Akt pathway and other genes may participate in the synergy of two agents. The PI3K/Akt pathway could be suppressed synergistically by two agents.

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