乳腺癌;脑转移;分子亚型;临床特征;治疗," /> 乳腺癌;脑转移;分子亚型;临床特征;治疗,"/> Brain metastasisMolecular subtypesClinical characteristicsTreatment,"/> <span style="font-family:宋体;">乳腺癌脑转移的特点及治疗研究进展</span>

临床肿瘤学杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (03): 265-272.

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  1.  210002  南京  南京大学医学院附属金陵医院  解放军东部战区总医院普通外科研究所
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-01 修回日期:2021-12-30 出版日期:2022-03-25 发布日期:2022-05-12

Progress of characteristics and treatment of breast cancer brain metastasis

  1. Research Institute of General Surgery, Affiliated Jinling Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing UniversityGeneral Hospital of Eastern Theater Command, PLA, Nanjing 210002, China
  • Received:2021-06-01 Revised:2021-12-30 Online:2022-03-25 Published:2022-05-12

摘要:  乳腺癌进展中,15%30%的患者会出现脑转移。由于乳腺癌患者生存期的延长,脑转移的发生率随之增加。不同分子亚型乳腺癌脑转移的发生率及特点亦有差异。目前乳腺癌脑转移的治疗手段包括局部治疗和全身治疗。近年来随着乳腺癌综合治疗的研究发展,化疗、内分泌治疗以及分子靶向治疗在乳腺癌脑转移中的应用受到越来越多的关注。许多新的治疗方法,如偶联药物、免疫治疗等方法也在乳腺癌脑转移中表现出一定疗效。本文对不同分子亚型乳腺癌脑转移的临床特征与治疗进展进行综述,旨在为乳腺癌脑转移的临床诊疗及管理提供一定的思路和依据。

关键词: font-size:10.5pt, 乳腺癌;脑转移;分子亚型;临床特征;治疗')">">乳腺癌;脑转移;分子亚型;临床特征;治疗

Abstract: In the progression of breast cancer, brain metastasis will occur in 15% to 30% patients. Due to the prolonged survival of breast cancer patients, the incidence of brain metastasis is gradually increasing. The incidence and characteristics of brain metastasis from breast cancer of different molecular subtypes are different. Current treatment for breast cancer brain metastasis includes local treatment and systemic treatment. In recent years, with the development of comprehensive treatment of breast cancer, the application of chemotherapy, endocrine therapy and molecular targeted therapy in breast cancer brain metastasis has received more and more attention. Many new treatment methods such as conjugated drugs, immunotherapy and other methods have also shown certain effects on breast cancer brain metastasis. This article reviews the clinical characteristics and treatment progress of different molecular subtypes of breast cancer brain metastasis, and aims to provide certain ideas and basis for the clinical diagnosis, treatment and management of breast cancer brain metastasis.

Key words: Breast cancerBrain metastasis">;Brain metastasisMolecular subtypes">;Molecular subtypesClinical characteristics">;Clinical characteristicsTreatment')">">;Treatment

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